An important school assignment is due this weekend; I will post the rest of this sometime tomorrow.
Sophia took a brief respite against the mountainside. A green valley was below, nestled between two mountains. The somewhat cold air warranted a stylish aquamarine coat that reached short of her knees. Within a day she had traveled over a dozen worlds, all with no luck. But the previous place she had been...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
FF - Entry 8
The ruins of the previous night's battleground was practically the same way, in addition to the horrible stench of ammonia, mostly likely from the defeated creature.
Janeil, Pierre and a few other villagers had come to make sure nothing else was alive in the daylight.
"Some of those creature might have retreated back to the water. We'll never be able to find them." Pierre called down to Janeil.
The pool from the previous night had emptied out with the tide. Pierre was standing on the edge, Janeil in the bottom with his rifle, retrieving the gold "orb" that had opened the portal.
Janeil knew Pierre was right. But besides that, the orb was proving hard to find. Since it was glowing, he couldn't tell what the object's original color, shape or composition was, and all he saw were rocks and pebbles.
"We can't do anything about that. You'll just have to be careful if you run across them fishing or if they decide to come ashore back." Janeil's foot nudged a small sphere about the size of this hand that appeared to be made out of pure glass. Could it?
It was the only thing that seemed out of place. Picking it up, he tossed it up to Pierre and started to climb out of the pool.
"I don't know what to make of this." Pierre looked at the ruined altar. "I am just curious if Volus knew exactly what he was doing or your interference caused these events to happen."
"It was our fault; he destroyed it by trying to shoot us." Janeil answered grimly, not defending or condoning his actions. He waved his hand for everoyne to start leaving. "I'm just glad that it didn't end any worse."
"I suppose that I should be glad about that, too." Pierre started to follow him. "Tell me; what should me make of his possessions?"
"You can sort through them if you want; I guess Sophia wants you to keep them under lock and key because she either doesn't want anyone to mess with it or knows someone that can look at it in the future. I honestly don't know."
Janeil shrugged, letting the matter rest. He was getting somewhat tired of the events in Oceanus and preferred his bare apartement over all this drama.
"You know Sophia left again this morning," Pierre commented.
"Yeah; she told me." Janeil answered simply. He didn't have much to say on the matter.
"Through all of this, a cure hasn't been found for Tamilia. I sincerely hope that Sophia can find Elizabeth..."
Later on that day, Pierre, Tamilia and Janeil were sitting underneath a large oak tree on a grassy
hill near the Doorway, waiting for Sophia to arrive.
Tamilia was securely held to Pierre's side with a strong but comforting arm, Janeil a foot away from him leaning against the tree.
Janeil was silent. "There another way to help her if we can't find her soon."
Pierre looked at Janeil, trying to discern if he had a viable solution or he was just attempting to comfort him. Tamilia eyes fixiated on him in search of an answer.
"Another way?" Pierre asked slowly. "Do you know of something?"
"Well, sort of." Janeil stuck his hands in his pockets. "You know that I'm from a different world from Sophia, right?"
Pierre nodded, letting Janeil continue.
"My world has advanced medical technology and biological sciences. They might be able to find out what's wrong with her and maybe even cure her...."
"But if we bring her, questions will be asked. I don't have money for someone private to look at her. And even then, if its something really strange, there might not be a cure..." Janeil shook his head.
"I see..." Pierre murmred.
"I don't get it." Janeil turned to Pierre momentarily. "We've cataloged the human genome. We can genetically engineer artificial syntethic humans and meld some technology with organisms. But we can't cure cancer or AIDS..."
"It's all right...nobody is telling you that you have to find a cure..." Pierre patted his shoulder. "But thank you for the offer."
Janeil didn't say anything in response as he stared at the village and the ocean from his vantage point.
"What did you use to be?" Tamilia asked timidly.
Janeil looked at the two skeptically. "Do you really want an honest answer to that?"
"Why yes. Why wouldn't you tell?"
Janeil sighed. Tamilia was fairly innocent in the ways of the world; was it her being sick that made her think this way?
"I...was a soldier." Janeil didn't look at either of them, trying to give them the most simple answer possible.
"I see..." Pierre studied Janeil. "Who or what were you fighting for?"
Janeil sighed. He didn't want to give an explanation because it would entail another story in itself. But he could try to 'dumb' it down to their level and keep it brief as possible.
"My world travels to other worlds...using a vehicle we call a starship. We-"
"A starship?" Pierre raised an eyebrow.
"Yes. Just like you use a boat to go across the ocean, we use a starship to go to different stars and planets. They're very massive, made of metal and built with the most complex techologies our society has to offer." He explained.
"Anyway...despite my world pushing itself into space, there's still hostilites between people there. Then to make matters worse; we found other people and other creatures out there. Aliens. Some were friendly...some weren't."
"My world put together an initiative to defend humanity's interests in space called the Unite d Earth Alliance. That's who I was fighting for."
Pierre looked glazed over for a second, but seemed to grasp the concept. Tamilia didn't say a word.
" long did you fight for?" Tamilia asked.
"As unbelievable as it sounds, three months. I fought in two battles; and in my second one I sustained serious injuries. I got discharged after that. That's when Sophia asked me to help her."
"I see."
There was silence amongst them once again as they waited.
Janeil, Pierre and a few other villagers had come to make sure nothing else was alive in the daylight.
"Some of those creature might have retreated back to the water. We'll never be able to find them." Pierre called down to Janeil.
The pool from the previous night had emptied out with the tide. Pierre was standing on the edge, Janeil in the bottom with his rifle, retrieving the gold "orb" that had opened the portal.
Janeil knew Pierre was right. But besides that, the orb was proving hard to find. Since it was glowing, he couldn't tell what the object's original color, shape or composition was, and all he saw were rocks and pebbles.
"We can't do anything about that. You'll just have to be careful if you run across them fishing or if they decide to come ashore back." Janeil's foot nudged a small sphere about the size of this hand that appeared to be made out of pure glass. Could it?
It was the only thing that seemed out of place. Picking it up, he tossed it up to Pierre and started to climb out of the pool.
"I don't know what to make of this." Pierre looked at the ruined altar. "I am just curious if Volus knew exactly what he was doing or your interference caused these events to happen."
"It was our fault; he destroyed it by trying to shoot us." Janeil answered grimly, not defending or condoning his actions. He waved his hand for everoyne to start leaving. "I'm just glad that it didn't end any worse."
"I suppose that I should be glad about that, too." Pierre started to follow him. "Tell me; what should me make of his possessions?"
"You can sort through them if you want; I guess Sophia wants you to keep them under lock and key because she either doesn't want anyone to mess with it or knows someone that can look at it in the future. I honestly don't know."
Janeil shrugged, letting the matter rest. He was getting somewhat tired of the events in Oceanus and preferred his bare apartement over all this drama.
"You know Sophia left again this morning," Pierre commented.
"Yeah; she told me." Janeil answered simply. He didn't have much to say on the matter.
"Through all of this, a cure hasn't been found for Tamilia. I sincerely hope that Sophia can find Elizabeth..."
Later on that day, Pierre, Tamilia and Janeil were sitting underneath a large oak tree on a grassy
hill near the Doorway, waiting for Sophia to arrive.
Tamilia was securely held to Pierre's side with a strong but comforting arm, Janeil a foot away from him leaning against the tree.
Janeil was silent. "There another way to help her if we can't find her soon."
Pierre looked at Janeil, trying to discern if he had a viable solution or he was just attempting to comfort him. Tamilia eyes fixiated on him in search of an answer.
"Another way?" Pierre asked slowly. "Do you know of something?"
"Well, sort of." Janeil stuck his hands in his pockets. "You know that I'm from a different world from Sophia, right?"
Pierre nodded, letting Janeil continue.
"My world has advanced medical technology and biological sciences. They might be able to find out what's wrong with her and maybe even cure her...."
"But if we bring her, questions will be asked. I don't have money for someone private to look at her. And even then, if its something really strange, there might not be a cure..." Janeil shook his head.
"I see..." Pierre murmred.
"I don't get it." Janeil turned to Pierre momentarily. "We've cataloged the human genome. We can genetically engineer artificial syntethic humans and meld some technology with organisms. But we can't cure cancer or AIDS..."
"It's all right...nobody is telling you that you have to find a cure..." Pierre patted his shoulder. "But thank you for the offer."
Janeil didn't say anything in response as he stared at the village and the ocean from his vantage point.
"What did you use to be?" Tamilia asked timidly.
Janeil looked at the two skeptically. "Do you really want an honest answer to that?"
"Why yes. Why wouldn't you tell?"
Janeil sighed. Tamilia was fairly innocent in the ways of the world; was it her being sick that made her think this way?
"I...was a soldier." Janeil didn't look at either of them, trying to give them the most simple answer possible.
"I see..." Pierre studied Janeil. "Who or what were you fighting for?"
Janeil sighed. He didn't want to give an explanation because it would entail another story in itself. But he could try to 'dumb' it down to their level and keep it brief as possible.
"My world travels to other worlds...using a vehicle we call a starship. We-"
"A starship?" Pierre raised an eyebrow.
"Yes. Just like you use a boat to go across the ocean, we use a starship to go to different stars and planets. They're very massive, made of metal and built with the most complex techologies our society has to offer." He explained.
"Anyway...despite my world pushing itself into space, there's still hostilites between people there. Then to make matters worse; we found other people and other creatures out there. Aliens. Some were friendly...some weren't."
"My world put together an initiative to defend humanity's interests in space called the Unite d Earth Alliance. That's who I was fighting for."
Pierre looked glazed over for a second, but seemed to grasp the concept. Tamilia didn't say a word.
" long did you fight for?" Tamilia asked.
"As unbelievable as it sounds, three months. I fought in two battles; and in my second one I sustained serious injuries. I got discharged after that. That's when Sophia asked me to help her."
"I see."
There was silence amongst them once again as they waited.
Friday, October 15, 2010
FF Entry - 7
The square was empty upon Janeil's arrival. Not a single soul was in sight as he stuck along one of the walls behind a stack of barrels, staying out of sight. The shadows hid him as he peered at the supposed chapel-like building. Small, gothic looking, not very elaborate. A dim light flickered behind one of the oil-stained cloth windows.
Biting his lip, Janeil took a deep breath and sprinted towards the chapel, covering forty feet in three seconds. Bounding up the steps, he reached the doors, letting the rifle drop slightly as he tried the handle. It rattled some, the doors staying shut.
He exhaled and gave the doors a sharp kick. The flimsy look snapped as the doors burst open. Janeil brought the rifle to his shoulder and aimed into the dark interior, flicking the light on the end of the rifle.
The beam illuminated musty looking bookselves and cubby holes with dust-covered and moldy books and scrolls. A saline smell of saltwater reached his nostrils, the room completely silent. He cautiously entered in, aware of his surroundings the entire time.
There was a small rattle in the distance. Looking up, he crouched slightly and pushed past a curtain that separated another room. This place looked nothing like a chapel or temple like he knew. it looked more like a workshop mixed with a library. Except the was being worked on seemed like chemistry or biology of sorts....
There was distant yelling the street as people seemed to gather together. The noise seemed to come closer. Janeil ignored it and pushed forward; if people were coming to do justice by breaking and burning, there might not be a clue what happened to temilia or what his motives were.
The next room was somewhat spacious. Jars lined the wall, strage pickle-colored hunks of flesh in preservation alcohol. A rat skittered across the floor, knocking over a tin can in the corner.
Janeil sighed. Nothing made sense. He didn't see anything else or evidence of Volus' other "treasures", but he was studying about some living thing. And the few scrolls that made sense, they looks like maps of the ocean. Maybe the thing was an ocean-dweller?
The ever-present sound of clamoring people reached the front of the building. Sophia darted in.
He turned to see her, somewhat shrinking back at the eerie surroundings. Stepping close to him, Sophia tugged a strand of hair out of her face.
"Did you find her?" She asked worriedly.
"Not yet. You?"
"A couple people saw Volus head towards the bay. Some are looking for him over there now."
"They might be right; I don't see any sign of anyone here." Janeil started to brush past her.
Sophia stuck close to him as the two walked outside. A large group of the villagers number roughly fifty or so gathered outside, armed with torches, harpoons and shovels.
"Is he in there?" Pierre asked.
"No. Search inside, but don't ruin anything." Janeil looked around. "Where's the bay?"
"I'll show you." Pierre motioned for some of the people to go inside.
Everyone seemed to realize this was a sense of urgency. All of them were running behind Pierre down the road towards the water's edge. Most of them were silent and didn't say a word...
Upon arrival, everyone's voice raised along the lines of a cave that wasn't there. Between outcroppings of rocks a black gaping hole stared back at them. There was a low and deep moan that seemed to vibrate through everyone's body.
All the voices fell silent.
"What in heaven's name was that?" Pierre asked quietly.
Janeil didn't answer as he scampered over the rail down the rocky slope onto the sandy beach. As he hit the bottom, pebbles rolled past him as Sophia skidded to a stop next to him.
"What are you doing?!" Janeil's voice was clearly annoyed and warning.
"What else do you think?" Sophia shot back in a raised voice.
"You're getting in the way!"
Sophia sighed, holding her forehead in frustration. "I'm trying to help you. Doesn't that mean anything to you!? You're the one crying on my shoulder a few days ago about fighting alone." She grabbed his shoulders and tried to give him a good shake. "I'm your friend! Get a grip and see past yourself!"
Janeil was quiet, knowing that in the midst of this, they were causing a spectacle. He needed to get his act together. And Sophia was right; she was in with him as much as he wanted to deny it. Still, he thought it was too dangerous for her.
"I'm sorry." Janeil answered in a quiet voice. "But..."
"Let it go. Don't waste time." Sophia unclenched her hands from Janeil's shoulders and started towards the cave. Janeil picked up his pace to come in front of her.
Most of the cavern's roof has collapsed, the bright moonlight starting to bathe the rock and push away the darkness. Glimmering pools of water were scattered left and right, a few large ones bubbling in motion as the waves crashed against the shore outside.
"What is this place?" Sophia noticed a part of the wall had been cut flat by hands of man, inscriptions engraved into the wall. She studied it closer, forgetting that they were on a chase to save someone's life.
"This writing...I have not seen it for ages." She whsipered to herself. Her lips mouthed the words, trying to make sense of what had been inscribed.
Janeil had not noticed her stop. Something else had caught his eyes. His footsteps quickened as he came to what appeared to a flat area, a stone oblong altar in the middle. A mixed lump of fabric was piled at the base of the altar.
"Sophia!" Janeil called out ot her, noticing that she was more than ten feet behind him.
"...the nightmare that possesses its host is complete." Sophia mouthed the words. She looked up, seeing Janeil wave her over to him.
"Janeil...that wall...something horrible is here." Sophia started to explain in desperation. "We have to-"
Her sentence stopped short at the pile of fabric. Sophia gasped, kneeling down and shuffling through the fabric.
"Tamilia's clothes...even her undergarments. The poor girl's completely naked...What is he... " Sophia's voice dripped with anger. "I can't forgive him for this."
"You won't have to, my dear." Came a voice out of the darkness.
Sophia was immediately on her feet. Both her and Janeil looked over a giant sinkhole of water where the voice had come from. An outcrop of rock hung over the edge, Volus' sillouhette outlined by the moonlight.
Janeil immediately raised his rifle at him. "Where's Tamilia?"
"She's right here." Volus motioned to the base of the pool with open arms. Tamilia was bound with rope, submerged up to her neck in water. She coughed, shivering and sweaty.
"Janeil! Sophia! Help!" She cried, coughing as water splashed into her mouth.
"No one can hear your cries, child!" Volus boomed. "Your time is about to end. Krashalna will be mine, and you will be its offspring."
"No!" Tamilia tried to struggle against her bonds, choking and gasping for breath.
Janeil didn't wait and opened fire. Volus raised his hand towards him as a blue bubble formed around him, the bullets ricocheting off.
"You cannot defeat me!" Volus shouted. A bolt of lighting crackled from his hand and lanced towards them. Janeil shoved Sophia behind the altar as the ducked behind cover.
"It's one of the artifacts! It's preventing you from hitting him." Sophia explained in a strained and harried voice.
"You think?" Janeil ducked back out and started to fire once more.
Volus apparently was surprised by this, switching back to his bubble. The bullets' impacts seemed to make him lose his footing a little, making him grimace and stand tall once more.
"Your futile attacks willl not damage me! You must be as powerful as I am to defeat me!"
Another lightning bolt lanced out.
The bolt devastated the altar as Sophia yelped and threw herself to the floor. Janeil rolled to the other side, the pulverized dust blinding their vision. In between the confusion, a yellow glow illuminated where the altar once stood.
Volus's attacks ceased. "What do we have here?"
The glow seemed to "roll away" and plopped into the water. There was a rumble as the moan that was heard earlier sounded again, reverberating throughout the cave. The watter bubbled as the sinkhole glowed with the light, a dark and twisting shape.
Sophia crawled over to Janeil and started to pull him to his feet. Volus paid no attention to them as the sinkhole glowed even brighter, as if a portal was opening in the water's surface.
"Come forth, Krashalna! I beckon you to be my servant and offer you this mortal as a sacrifice and your offspring!" Volus declared.
Four humungous tentacles emerged from the portal, stretching skyward. They wre more than forty feet long, each three or four feet across. They snaked towards the cavern roof, the tips arriving at Volus' level.
Janeil fumbled at his thigh, drawing his pistol. "Stay out of the way." He pressed it into Sophia's hands.
Sophia stared at the weapon, holding it gingerly. Before she could say something, Janeil had dashed off towards the end of the pool towards where Tamilia was.
Tamilia was barely keeping her head above the water. She saw Janeil approach, but wisely kept quiet as the monster's tentacles danced around in front of Volus. He stepped into the water and lifted her out and quietly as he could, slashing the ropes with his knife.
Tamilia collapsed facefirst onto the ground, coughing. Janeil looked up to see if Volus was still occupied as he tugged her behind the outcrop for protection, motioning for her to stay. Satisfied that she would be safe for the moment, he started to make his way up the outcrop.
Unforunately something happened just at that moment. Several squid-like creatures emerged from the pool, roughly five feet in length. They crawled along the ground with their tentacles, their dark green bodies standing almost vertical. Sharp yellow pupils burned the night as they twitched around, searching.
Sophia gasped and took cover behind a chunk of the altar, squeezing the pistol as hard as she could. Three of the creatures were crawling towards her at a rapid pace. One of them whipped of the longer pair of tentacles towards, eaching having a black fang-like hook on the end.
She gave a short shriek, jumping backwards as they missed her by inches. Sophia prayed hard that she would know how to use the gun given to her and pulled the trigger repeatdly at the creature closest to her. She flinched as each report each bullet made, the slugs tearing into the creatures flesh. It writhed around with no noise, flopping to ground and squirming about, clear liquid oozing out from its wounds. Sophia did not miss a beat and started to fire on the other creatures
Volus looked up from his "summoning" and looked at Sophia's plight with a sick grin on his face. He started to raise his hand to lance her with lightning once when Tamilia screamed. He looked down to see another creature approaching her helpless form but also Janeil scaling the wall. He swung his hand around, Janeil realizing he was caught.
He thumbed off the safety and fired off a rocket out of the secondary weapon tube on his rifle. The projectile left with a pop and impacted the outcrop with an explosion, causing Volus to lose his footing and the lightning to spark into another portion of the cave. The explosion pushed Janeil off of the outcrop, sending him crashing to the ground. His body flared with pain as he rolled onto his stomach and peppered the creature next to Tamilia.
Volus lost more than just his footing; he lost his balance. He gave a suprised cry as he toppled off the rock, grasping the edge at the last moment. His eyes widened in fear as he stared at the tentacles below him, struggling to climb back up.
The pistol gave its last round as the slide jammed into the loaded position, the magazine empty. Her frantic eyes realized that she was in serious trouble and backed away from the creatures that had either been injured or still alive.
Janeil had Tamilia leaning on his shoulder, making his way towards Sophia's position. The way the creatures were advancing, they would be cut off and Janeil would not be able to aid her in time.
Out of nowhere a harpoon stabbed one of the creatures approaching Sophia. Pierre overlooked at the proceedings, horror in his eyes. He plucked his weapon out of the creature and hurled in at another, skewering it against a rock.
Janeil had skirted around the edge out of range of the creatures and opened up on them, leveling the field within seconds. Pierre let his harpoon drop and rushed to help his granddaughter as Janeil got to Sophia's side.
"You okay?" He pried the pistol out of her hands and exchanged the clip with a full one.
Sophia nodded shakily, somewhat tramautized at the current event. Janeil put the pistol back into her hands as more creatures started to slither up from the portal.
"This cannot happen! No!" Volus was starting to lose his grasp. He stared hatedly at the foursome below. "You ruined everything!"
More tentacles from the larger creature emerged as the creature started to wrap its arms around the outcrop and pull itself out. Its body slowly emerged, gigantic eyes fifteen eyes across staring at them.
"Get out of here! Go!"
Pierre picked up Tamilia in his strong arms, draping her clothes over her exposure. He quickly left the cave, leaving Sophia and Janeil to fend on their own.
The pupil's seemed to tighten as one wrapped around Volus' body, pulling him off the rock. He
screamed as it brought him to its mouth, devouring him whole.
Sophia looked away with a cry of horror, Janeil tearing the next wave of smaller creatures to shreds with the armor-piercing rounds in his rifle.
"We have to leave!" She cried.
"We can't! We have to stop that thing!"
Sophia understood and fired off the pistol at the creature's eye. It roared in pain as Janeil shifted his fire to aim at the same target, the eye disintegrating as it was riddled with bullet holes. The creature writhed as it slowly started to sink back into the portal, tentacles trashing about wildy.
Sophia took hold of a loop in Janeil's vest in the chaos so that she would not get separated, watching him as he yanked a grenade off his vest and pitched it at the edge of the pool, letting it plink along the side of the pool towards the bottom towards the yellow light. There was a dull explosion as the portal started to shrink, starting to squish the creature's tentacles together. It seemed to struggle to yank them in as the portal finally closed, severing the tentacles with a loud pop. A shockwave shot through the water, rippling the rock and causing the cave to crumble.
Janeil knew his work was done and ran out of the cave, grabbing Sophia's hand and pulling her behind her, dodging falling rocks and hunks of severed tentacles falling all around them. Sophia glanced back at the wall where the inscription was engraved, knowing that she would never see it again...
Biting his lip, Janeil took a deep breath and sprinted towards the chapel, covering forty feet in three seconds. Bounding up the steps, he reached the doors, letting the rifle drop slightly as he tried the handle. It rattled some, the doors staying shut.
He exhaled and gave the doors a sharp kick. The flimsy look snapped as the doors burst open. Janeil brought the rifle to his shoulder and aimed into the dark interior, flicking the light on the end of the rifle.
The beam illuminated musty looking bookselves and cubby holes with dust-covered and moldy books and scrolls. A saline smell of saltwater reached his nostrils, the room completely silent. He cautiously entered in, aware of his surroundings the entire time.
There was a small rattle in the distance. Looking up, he crouched slightly and pushed past a curtain that separated another room. This place looked nothing like a chapel or temple like he knew. it looked more like a workshop mixed with a library. Except the was being worked on seemed like chemistry or biology of sorts....
There was distant yelling the street as people seemed to gather together. The noise seemed to come closer. Janeil ignored it and pushed forward; if people were coming to do justice by breaking and burning, there might not be a clue what happened to temilia or what his motives were.
The next room was somewhat spacious. Jars lined the wall, strage pickle-colored hunks of flesh in preservation alcohol. A rat skittered across the floor, knocking over a tin can in the corner.
Janeil sighed. Nothing made sense. He didn't see anything else or evidence of Volus' other "treasures", but he was studying about some living thing. And the few scrolls that made sense, they looks like maps of the ocean. Maybe the thing was an ocean-dweller?
The ever-present sound of clamoring people reached the front of the building. Sophia darted in.
He turned to see her, somewhat shrinking back at the eerie surroundings. Stepping close to him, Sophia tugged a strand of hair out of her face.
"Did you find her?" She asked worriedly.
"Not yet. You?"
"A couple people saw Volus head towards the bay. Some are looking for him over there now."
"They might be right; I don't see any sign of anyone here." Janeil started to brush past her.
Sophia stuck close to him as the two walked outside. A large group of the villagers number roughly fifty or so gathered outside, armed with torches, harpoons and shovels.
"Is he in there?" Pierre asked.
"No. Search inside, but don't ruin anything." Janeil looked around. "Where's the bay?"
"I'll show you." Pierre motioned for some of the people to go inside.
Everyone seemed to realize this was a sense of urgency. All of them were running behind Pierre down the road towards the water's edge. Most of them were silent and didn't say a word...
Upon arrival, everyone's voice raised along the lines of a cave that wasn't there. Between outcroppings of rocks a black gaping hole stared back at them. There was a low and deep moan that seemed to vibrate through everyone's body.
All the voices fell silent.
"What in heaven's name was that?" Pierre asked quietly.
Janeil didn't answer as he scampered over the rail down the rocky slope onto the sandy beach. As he hit the bottom, pebbles rolled past him as Sophia skidded to a stop next to him.
"What are you doing?!" Janeil's voice was clearly annoyed and warning.
"What else do you think?" Sophia shot back in a raised voice.
"You're getting in the way!"
Sophia sighed, holding her forehead in frustration. "I'm trying to help you. Doesn't that mean anything to you!? You're the one crying on my shoulder a few days ago about fighting alone." She grabbed his shoulders and tried to give him a good shake. "I'm your friend! Get a grip and see past yourself!"
Janeil was quiet, knowing that in the midst of this, they were causing a spectacle. He needed to get his act together. And Sophia was right; she was in with him as much as he wanted to deny it. Still, he thought it was too dangerous for her.
"I'm sorry." Janeil answered in a quiet voice. "But..."
"Let it go. Don't waste time." Sophia unclenched her hands from Janeil's shoulders and started towards the cave. Janeil picked up his pace to come in front of her.
Most of the cavern's roof has collapsed, the bright moonlight starting to bathe the rock and push away the darkness. Glimmering pools of water were scattered left and right, a few large ones bubbling in motion as the waves crashed against the shore outside.
"What is this place?" Sophia noticed a part of the wall had been cut flat by hands of man, inscriptions engraved into the wall. She studied it closer, forgetting that they were on a chase to save someone's life.
"This writing...I have not seen it for ages." She whsipered to herself. Her lips mouthed the words, trying to make sense of what had been inscribed.
Janeil had not noticed her stop. Something else had caught his eyes. His footsteps quickened as he came to what appeared to a flat area, a stone oblong altar in the middle. A mixed lump of fabric was piled at the base of the altar.
"Sophia!" Janeil called out ot her, noticing that she was more than ten feet behind him.
"...the nightmare that possesses its host is complete." Sophia mouthed the words. She looked up, seeing Janeil wave her over to him.
"Janeil...that wall...something horrible is here." Sophia started to explain in desperation. "We have to-"
Her sentence stopped short at the pile of fabric. Sophia gasped, kneeling down and shuffling through the fabric.
"Tamilia's clothes...even her undergarments. The poor girl's completely naked...What is he... " Sophia's voice dripped with anger. "I can't forgive him for this."
"You won't have to, my dear." Came a voice out of the darkness.
Sophia was immediately on her feet. Both her and Janeil looked over a giant sinkhole of water where the voice had come from. An outcrop of rock hung over the edge, Volus' sillouhette outlined by the moonlight.
Janeil immediately raised his rifle at him. "Where's Tamilia?"
"She's right here." Volus motioned to the base of the pool with open arms. Tamilia was bound with rope, submerged up to her neck in water. She coughed, shivering and sweaty.
"Janeil! Sophia! Help!" She cried, coughing as water splashed into her mouth.
"No one can hear your cries, child!" Volus boomed. "Your time is about to end. Krashalna will be mine, and you will be its offspring."
"No!" Tamilia tried to struggle against her bonds, choking and gasping for breath.
Janeil didn't wait and opened fire. Volus raised his hand towards him as a blue bubble formed around him, the bullets ricocheting off.
"You cannot defeat me!" Volus shouted. A bolt of lighting crackled from his hand and lanced towards them. Janeil shoved Sophia behind the altar as the ducked behind cover.
"It's one of the artifacts! It's preventing you from hitting him." Sophia explained in a strained and harried voice.
"You think?" Janeil ducked back out and started to fire once more.
Volus apparently was surprised by this, switching back to his bubble. The bullets' impacts seemed to make him lose his footing a little, making him grimace and stand tall once more.
"Your futile attacks willl not damage me! You must be as powerful as I am to defeat me!"
Another lightning bolt lanced out.
The bolt devastated the altar as Sophia yelped and threw herself to the floor. Janeil rolled to the other side, the pulverized dust blinding their vision. In between the confusion, a yellow glow illuminated where the altar once stood.
Volus's attacks ceased. "What do we have here?"
The glow seemed to "roll away" and plopped into the water. There was a rumble as the moan that was heard earlier sounded again, reverberating throughout the cave. The watter bubbled as the sinkhole glowed with the light, a dark and twisting shape.
Sophia crawled over to Janeil and started to pull him to his feet. Volus paid no attention to them as the sinkhole glowed even brighter, as if a portal was opening in the water's surface.
"Come forth, Krashalna! I beckon you to be my servant and offer you this mortal as a sacrifice and your offspring!" Volus declared.
Four humungous tentacles emerged from the portal, stretching skyward. They wre more than forty feet long, each three or four feet across. They snaked towards the cavern roof, the tips arriving at Volus' level.
Janeil fumbled at his thigh, drawing his pistol. "Stay out of the way." He pressed it into Sophia's hands.
Sophia stared at the weapon, holding it gingerly. Before she could say something, Janeil had dashed off towards the end of the pool towards where Tamilia was.
Tamilia was barely keeping her head above the water. She saw Janeil approach, but wisely kept quiet as the monster's tentacles danced around in front of Volus. He stepped into the water and lifted her out and quietly as he could, slashing the ropes with his knife.
Tamilia collapsed facefirst onto the ground, coughing. Janeil looked up to see if Volus was still occupied as he tugged her behind the outcrop for protection, motioning for her to stay. Satisfied that she would be safe for the moment, he started to make his way up the outcrop.
Unforunately something happened just at that moment. Several squid-like creatures emerged from the pool, roughly five feet in length. They crawled along the ground with their tentacles, their dark green bodies standing almost vertical. Sharp yellow pupils burned the night as they twitched around, searching.
Sophia gasped and took cover behind a chunk of the altar, squeezing the pistol as hard as she could. Three of the creatures were crawling towards her at a rapid pace. One of them whipped of the longer pair of tentacles towards, eaching having a black fang-like hook on the end.
She gave a short shriek, jumping backwards as they missed her by inches. Sophia prayed hard that she would know how to use the gun given to her and pulled the trigger repeatdly at the creature closest to her. She flinched as each report each bullet made, the slugs tearing into the creatures flesh. It writhed around with no noise, flopping to ground and squirming about, clear liquid oozing out from its wounds. Sophia did not miss a beat and started to fire on the other creatures
Volus looked up from his "summoning" and looked at Sophia's plight with a sick grin on his face. He started to raise his hand to lance her with lightning once when Tamilia screamed. He looked down to see another creature approaching her helpless form but also Janeil scaling the wall. He swung his hand around, Janeil realizing he was caught.
He thumbed off the safety and fired off a rocket out of the secondary weapon tube on his rifle. The projectile left with a pop and impacted the outcrop with an explosion, causing Volus to lose his footing and the lightning to spark into another portion of the cave. The explosion pushed Janeil off of the outcrop, sending him crashing to the ground. His body flared with pain as he rolled onto his stomach and peppered the creature next to Tamilia.
Volus lost more than just his footing; he lost his balance. He gave a suprised cry as he toppled off the rock, grasping the edge at the last moment. His eyes widened in fear as he stared at the tentacles below him, struggling to climb back up.
The pistol gave its last round as the slide jammed into the loaded position, the magazine empty. Her frantic eyes realized that she was in serious trouble and backed away from the creatures that had either been injured or still alive.
Janeil had Tamilia leaning on his shoulder, making his way towards Sophia's position. The way the creatures were advancing, they would be cut off and Janeil would not be able to aid her in time.
Out of nowhere a harpoon stabbed one of the creatures approaching Sophia. Pierre overlooked at the proceedings, horror in his eyes. He plucked his weapon out of the creature and hurled in at another, skewering it against a rock.
Janeil had skirted around the edge out of range of the creatures and opened up on them, leveling the field within seconds. Pierre let his harpoon drop and rushed to help his granddaughter as Janeil got to Sophia's side.
"You okay?" He pried the pistol out of her hands and exchanged the clip with a full one.
Sophia nodded shakily, somewhat tramautized at the current event. Janeil put the pistol back into her hands as more creatures started to slither up from the portal.
"This cannot happen! No!" Volus was starting to lose his grasp. He stared hatedly at the foursome below. "You ruined everything!"
More tentacles from the larger creature emerged as the creature started to wrap its arms around the outcrop and pull itself out. Its body slowly emerged, gigantic eyes fifteen eyes across staring at them.
"Get out of here! Go!"
Pierre picked up Tamilia in his strong arms, draping her clothes over her exposure. He quickly left the cave, leaving Sophia and Janeil to fend on their own.
The pupil's seemed to tighten as one wrapped around Volus' body, pulling him off the rock. He
screamed as it brought him to its mouth, devouring him whole.
Sophia looked away with a cry of horror, Janeil tearing the next wave of smaller creatures to shreds with the armor-piercing rounds in his rifle.
"We have to leave!" She cried.
"We can't! We have to stop that thing!"
Sophia understood and fired off the pistol at the creature's eye. It roared in pain as Janeil shifted his fire to aim at the same target, the eye disintegrating as it was riddled with bullet holes. The creature writhed as it slowly started to sink back into the portal, tentacles trashing about wildy.
Sophia took hold of a loop in Janeil's vest in the chaos so that she would not get separated, watching him as he yanked a grenade off his vest and pitched it at the edge of the pool, letting it plink along the side of the pool towards the bottom towards the yellow light. There was a dull explosion as the portal started to shrink, starting to squish the creature's tentacles together. It seemed to struggle to yank them in as the portal finally closed, severing the tentacles with a loud pop. A shockwave shot through the water, rippling the rock and causing the cave to crumble.
Janeil knew his work was done and ran out of the cave, grabbing Sophia's hand and pulling her behind her, dodging falling rocks and hunks of severed tentacles falling all around them. Sophia glanced back at the wall where the inscription was engraved, knowing that she would never see it again...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
FF Entry - 6
Late that evening, the door creaked open. Sophia appeared in the doorway as she closed it. Janeil and Pierre were on their feet in an instant.
"Where had you been all day?" Janeil asked. "You had me worried."
"You, worried?" Sophia seemed surprised that he was concerned about her. "This is my domain, you know.
"Well, that aside, you didn't say a single thing about what youi went to do."
"I beg your pardon, if I told you what I was going to do, you would have wanted to come along,"
Sophia was getting a little irritated, still not answering his questions. "I needed you to keep an eye on Tamilia."
"From that Volus guy? He swung by today and reminded her that he could heal her."
Sophia sighed and lowered her head in thought, not saying a word.
Janeil was fed up with her behavior a little, walking away and let her be. Pierre looked at both them and shuffled closer to Sophia.
"Did you accomplish what you wanted?" Pierre asked in a slightly lowered voice.
"Mostly..." Sophia shook her head. "I need to be alone for a little bit. I'm under a lot of stress right now." She turned to head to a corner of the room, sitting down on the cot. Pierre took a seat nex to her, placing his large hand on her shoulder.
"Really...what's on your mind? What's troubling you?"
"I...didn't think that Volus was actually doing something this horrible." Sophia's gaze never met Pierre's eyes. "Going after your daughter, that is. But...I had gone back to my old village that I we used to live to see if Elizabeth returned. It's just a lot of painful memories..." Her voice wavered a little.
"You know Janeil deserves to know some of the things you're doing, you know. After all, you brought him along to help you." Pierre noted.
Sophia knew Pierre was right. "I know...but I was hoping to keep him out of tihs as much as I could. I want mine and Elizabeth's life to return to normal. Isn't that a good goal?"
"Well, of course. But you know that Janeil is trusting you and what you want him to do; and he's trying to help you as a friend. You have to remember that. If you leave him in the dark, he's going to start question his loyalty and your motives."
Sophia's eyes widened slightly as she looked at Pierre.
"He likes you. A lot. Enough that he left his world on your word to go find your friends. Don't you owe him anything in return?" Pierre looked out the window at the setting sun.
"I don't know how to answer that right now." Sophia turned away. "We have to keep an eye on Tamilia so that Volus can't do something to her. I just...need to sort myself out."
"We'lldo that. Just remember there are people wondering about you." Pierre patted her shoulder and got up, leaving her be.
He exited the hut through the backdoor. Janeil was leaning against the wall, staring at the twilight sky once again.
"You all right?"
"I'm fine...never got used to guard duty, but glad its just a person versus something else." Janeil looked at him. "Shouldn't we be doing something?"
"Do you feel like something should be done?" Pierre was slightly curious, folding his arms.
"Stopping Volus...or getting Tamilia out of here. He doesn't strike me as the kind of person to go through the Doorway thing to get to his goal."
"Those are plausible ideas; but I would warn you that stopping Volus won't be easy. Some say he isn't a man; and he plays tricks with your mind." He grabbed Janeil's elbow roughly. "Every single man that rushed in to kill him has never lived."
"What's your take on it?" Janeil turned to him. "What do you think we should do?"
"That surprising from you. You don't trust your own judgement?"
"I do trust my decisions. I just can't go blowing holes in everything like I please. I might screw up Sophia's repuation or worse someone's life." Janeil gave him a slighlty sharp look.
"I see...kill first ask questions later? That is the mark of someone untintelligent, isn't it?"
"Not really; and I only start fighting if its too dangerous to ask questions first. " Janeil leaned forward. "As much as I know how to fight, I don't enjoy or "get into it" like other people. But if I need to be 'in the zone' to stay alive, I'll do it."
"I didn't get some of what you said, but I'll take that as a no." Pierre let out a huff of air.
Silence fell onto the boardwalk once more. Pierre was about to talk more when Sophia walked up to them. She gave a soft cough, announcing her presence.
"I'll start getting dinnery ready." Pierre disappeared back inside.
Janeil looked at Sophia in interested surprise as Sophia shuffled to his side.
"I'm...sorry. I should have and need to be able to share with you." Sophia had a shameful look on her face, eyes looking away.
"Its all right, I guess."
"I...went to the village where I first met Elizabeth," Sophia explained. "She wasn't there. And I did some asking about Volus as well. He has...oddd interests. I wouldn't say curio is the correct world. Its like archaeology, but of unusual items. Sort of like the cryptologist researchers on your world."
"Ah, I see. Following things that seem out of the ordinary? For what reason?" Janeil was slightly interested.
"A very chilling and twisted reason; power. I don't know how much or what he's hoping to achieve, but he looks for these things for that purpose. What's more scary is that many of these "legends" are actually quite real and that he has found so many of these things already. If we have to confront him; he will be able to fight us or even more. It will be dangerous."
"Sophia...what do we do? I mean, I know you went to go for Elizabeth so that we can have somplace to base off to look for 'Jennifer', but what do we do with Tamilia and Volus?"
"I simply thought that telling the townspeople of Volus' actions would be enough to throw him out of power. Then I figured that Elizabeth could treat her and make her better."
The conversation was broken by Pierre's raised voice calling for Tamilia. Looking at each other, the dashed into the house.
Pierre skidded to a halt in front of them. "Tamilila....she's gone!"
"Gone? Is this like her?" Janeil looked at him hard.
"No...she never would leave like this. She's always with someone. I would know."
Janei exhaled in frustration and started towards his bag.
"Janeil! What are you doing?" Sophia demanded.
She didn't get an answer. Janeil yanked his assault rifle out from his belongings as he looked at
"Getting Tamilia back one way or another." Was his simple reply.
"No! We can't do this like this!" Sophia grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop him.
"Do you have a better idea?"
Sophia's lips moved, wanting to tell him a piece of her mind. But the words wouldn't come. In fact, her mind was frozen. She WAS at a loss of what to do.
"No...." Sophia admitted. "I don't."
Janeil tugged Sophia off of him. "You better start your rallying soon if you want this to look like the right thing. Otherwhise this might just end up a murder." Janeil slammed a clip into the rifle, slung it onto his shoulder, and donned a combat vest and a utility belt. He strapped his pistol and a knife to his leg.
"Get moving." He told her flatly. "Time isn't on our side."
Janeil was out the door without another word.
"Where had you been all day?" Janeil asked. "You had me worried."
"You, worried?" Sophia seemed surprised that he was concerned about her. "This is my domain, you know.
"Well, that aside, you didn't say a single thing about what youi went to do."
"I beg your pardon, if I told you what I was going to do, you would have wanted to come along,"
Sophia was getting a little irritated, still not answering his questions. "I needed you to keep an eye on Tamilia."
"From that Volus guy? He swung by today and reminded her that he could heal her."
Sophia sighed and lowered her head in thought, not saying a word.
Janeil was fed up with her behavior a little, walking away and let her be. Pierre looked at both them and shuffled closer to Sophia.
"Did you accomplish what you wanted?" Pierre asked in a slightly lowered voice.
"Mostly..." Sophia shook her head. "I need to be alone for a little bit. I'm under a lot of stress right now." She turned to head to a corner of the room, sitting down on the cot. Pierre took a seat nex to her, placing his large hand on her shoulder.
"Really...what's on your mind? What's troubling you?"
"I...didn't think that Volus was actually doing something this horrible." Sophia's gaze never met Pierre's eyes. "Going after your daughter, that is. But...I had gone back to my old village that I we used to live to see if Elizabeth returned. It's just a lot of painful memories..." Her voice wavered a little.
"You know Janeil deserves to know some of the things you're doing, you know. After all, you brought him along to help you." Pierre noted.
Sophia knew Pierre was right. "I know...but I was hoping to keep him out of tihs as much as I could. I want mine and Elizabeth's life to return to normal. Isn't that a good goal?"
"Well, of course. But you know that Janeil is trusting you and what you want him to do; and he's trying to help you as a friend. You have to remember that. If you leave him in the dark, he's going to start question his loyalty and your motives."
Sophia's eyes widened slightly as she looked at Pierre.
"He likes you. A lot. Enough that he left his world on your word to go find your friends. Don't you owe him anything in return?" Pierre looked out the window at the setting sun.
"I don't know how to answer that right now." Sophia turned away. "We have to keep an eye on Tamilia so that Volus can't do something to her. I just...need to sort myself out."
"We'lldo that. Just remember there are people wondering about you." Pierre patted her shoulder and got up, leaving her be.
He exited the hut through the backdoor. Janeil was leaning against the wall, staring at the twilight sky once again.
"You all right?"
"I'm fine...never got used to guard duty, but glad its just a person versus something else." Janeil looked at him. "Shouldn't we be doing something?"
"Do you feel like something should be done?" Pierre was slightly curious, folding his arms.
"Stopping Volus...or getting Tamilia out of here. He doesn't strike me as the kind of person to go through the Doorway thing to get to his goal."
"Those are plausible ideas; but I would warn you that stopping Volus won't be easy. Some say he isn't a man; and he plays tricks with your mind." He grabbed Janeil's elbow roughly. "Every single man that rushed in to kill him has never lived."
"What's your take on it?" Janeil turned to him. "What do you think we should do?"
"That surprising from you. You don't trust your own judgement?"
"I do trust my decisions. I just can't go blowing holes in everything like I please. I might screw up Sophia's repuation or worse someone's life." Janeil gave him a slighlty sharp look.
"I see...kill first ask questions later? That is the mark of someone untintelligent, isn't it?"
"Not really; and I only start fighting if its too dangerous to ask questions first. " Janeil leaned forward. "As much as I know how to fight, I don't enjoy or "get into it" like other people. But if I need to be 'in the zone' to stay alive, I'll do it."
"I didn't get some of what you said, but I'll take that as a no." Pierre let out a huff of air.
Silence fell onto the boardwalk once more. Pierre was about to talk more when Sophia walked up to them. She gave a soft cough, announcing her presence.
"I'll start getting dinnery ready." Pierre disappeared back inside.
Janeil looked at Sophia in interested surprise as Sophia shuffled to his side.
"I'm...sorry. I should have and need to be able to share with you." Sophia had a shameful look on her face, eyes looking away.
"Its all right, I guess."
"I...went to the village where I first met Elizabeth," Sophia explained. "She wasn't there. And I did some asking about Volus as well. He has...oddd interests. I wouldn't say curio is the correct world. Its like archaeology, but of unusual items. Sort of like the cryptologist researchers on your world."
"Ah, I see. Following things that seem out of the ordinary? For what reason?" Janeil was slightly interested.
"A very chilling and twisted reason; power. I don't know how much or what he's hoping to achieve, but he looks for these things for that purpose. What's more scary is that many of these "legends" are actually quite real and that he has found so many of these things already. If we have to confront him; he will be able to fight us or even more. It will be dangerous."
"Sophia...what do we do? I mean, I know you went to go for Elizabeth so that we can have somplace to base off to look for 'Jennifer', but what do we do with Tamilia and Volus?"
"I simply thought that telling the townspeople of Volus' actions would be enough to throw him out of power. Then I figured that Elizabeth could treat her and make her better."
The conversation was broken by Pierre's raised voice calling for Tamilia. Looking at each other, the dashed into the house.
Pierre skidded to a halt in front of them. "Tamilila....she's gone!"
"Gone? Is this like her?" Janeil looked at him hard.
"No...she never would leave like this. She's always with someone. I would know."
Janei exhaled in frustration and started towards his bag.
"Janeil! What are you doing?" Sophia demanded.
She didn't get an answer. Janeil yanked his assault rifle out from his belongings as he looked at
"Getting Tamilia back one way or another." Was his simple reply.
"No! We can't do this like this!" Sophia grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop him.
"Do you have a better idea?"
Sophia's lips moved, wanting to tell him a piece of her mind. But the words wouldn't come. In fact, her mind was frozen. She WAS at a loss of what to do.
"No...." Sophia admitted. "I don't."
Janeil tugged Sophia off of him. "You better start your rallying soon if you want this to look like the right thing. Otherwhise this might just end up a murder." Janeil slammed a clip into the rifle, slung it onto his shoulder, and donned a combat vest and a utility belt. He strapped his pistol and a knife to his leg.
"Get moving." He told her flatly. "Time isn't on our side."
Janeil was out the door without another word.
Friday, October 1, 2010
FF Entry - 5
Apologies for not finishing. I had some unfortunate events that disrupted my evening and weekend, and I was playing catch up with homework all weekend. Onto the entry!
"Do you know where this office is?" Janeil couldn't make much of the writing. Most of it was strange to him, but surprisingly a few English signs were around. The thought of previous contact to some degree floated in his head momentarily. "And would it even be open now? I mean, its evening, isn't it?"
"Census offices are open around the clock. The information must be available at all times. And yes, I do know where it is."
They had just rounded a corner when they came upon a somewhat disturbing scene. Four teenage boys were in a small circle around a girl about the same age as them. One had the girl from behind pinning her arms to her side so she could not fight back. The rest of them seemed to be taunting and harrassing her.
"Can't do anything now, can you?" One boy said.
"Let go of me!" The girl yelped. She kicked and struggled against her captors, which invoked laughter from the rest of the group.
The boy landed a smack straight across her cheek, causing her to cry out and knocking her black hat to the ground. He glanced up and realized that Janei and Sophia were watching what they were doing.
"Let's get out of here," the other boys urged the first one.
The boy looked sharply at Sophia then back at the girl. "This isn't over, monster girl." She was let go as the boy shoved her backwards into a pile of grain sacks. She hit them with a loud "Oof!" and slumped to the ground as they broke up and quickly disappeared into an alleyway.
Janeil made his way over to the girl's side, taking her by the elbow and pulling her up to her feet. Her long raven-black hair was in disarray, her face red from the strike she had received earlier. She had a white blouse with short cuffed sleeves, a swishy and somewhat sweeping navy blue skirt that reached about mid-calf, and a white apron which was tied in a large bow on the back with suprising wide apron strings that trailed down almost as long as her skirt. She had dark brown boots that reached her calves.
" okay?" Janeil's voice was gentle but slightly demanding.
The girl tried to struggle out of his grasp, her footing unsteady and her eyes squeezed shut, waiting for the worst. Upon hearing his words, she stopped in her tracks, daring to look at her rescuer. Her deep green eyes roamed his facial features in uncertainty and fear.
"I'm...I'm...o..kay. Who...are you?" The girl stammered, pulling her hair out of her face and pulling it over her shoulders. She trembled in his grip, either out of fear or the pain that was previously inflicted to her.
"My name is Janeil." He was definitely sure that the girl couldn't walk on her own much less stand unattended. It was somewhat baffling; it was if she was weak. Sophia approached both of them, the girl's hat in her hands.
"Janeil.....Janeil...." The girl quietly mulled to herself, looking down at the ground. Her face showed a brief flash of sadness. "I'm Tamilia." She finally added in a low voice.
Sophia placed the hat on Tamilia's head. "Do you need help getting home? You don't look to well."
"I'll be fine." Tamilia pulled her elbow away from Janeil and staggered a few steps before collapsing to the ground. Both Janeil and Sophia caught her in their arms.
"I don't think you're fine," Janeil noted in half-seriousness. "Where do you live?"
"Down the street...near the markets by the wharf." Tamilia answered. She looked somewhat irked but incredulous that they were fussing over her well-being.
"Why not take her home? I'll go to the census office and catch up with you shortly." Sophia suggested.
"All right, don't get into trouble."
Sophia left them as Janeil slung the girl's arm over behind his neck and over her shoulder and started to walk in the direction specified. The girl's eyes continually swept the ground,
occasionally glancing at Janeil out of the corner of her eyes.
"Why were those boys hurting you?" Janeil asked.
He received no answer. Tamilia's face fell with shame as a sigh escaped her nostrils. "I don't want to talk about it..."
Janeil let the matter be, much to Tamilia's suprrise. He judged her to be sixteen or seventeen, maybe older. He was very curious as to what her story was, namely why she seemed ill.
It wasn't long before he reached the house that was described to him. It reminded him of the fisherman's huts he had seen in history books. It was set in a small flowered yard and the back was placed near a boardwalk that ran along the edge of the ocean.
Coming up to the door, Janeil knocked. The door was yanked open as a well-built and burly man opened the door. He wore black trousers and a gray sweater, his beard somewhat scruffy. He seemed to go into a fit upon seeing Tamilia's condition.
"What have you done to my granddaughter?!" Were his first words out of his mouth.
"Grandpa...please..." Tamilia begged weakly. "He didn't do this...."
The man's look relented slightly, but still glared at him as he pulled Tamila inside. Janeil followed at a distance.
The interior was slightly dingy but surprisingly warm and well-lit. The man sat Tamilia on the edge of a small bed and knelt down to her level.
"What have I told you about going out by yourself? How did this happen?"
"Andresen's boys were beating me." Tamilia admitted. "All I did was get some wheat like Letty wanted me to..."
"And him?" The man thumbed in my direction.
"He and his friend...the boys saw them and ran off. He brought me here."
"Where is his friend?"
"She went to the census office...said that she'll come here later."
The man sighed and placed his hands on Tamilia's shoulders.
"It's not safe for you to be wandering about by yourself. Not only because of your condition, but people are not kind towards your current state and what happened to you."
"I know..."
"You're lucky that you were found. It could have been worse." The man got up and turned around to Janeil.
"As for you...I have some doubts about you. But thank you for bringing Tamilia home. She would have been left there...." The man looked at Janeil straight in the eyes.
"What's wrong with her?" Janeil asked.
The man bit his lip. "Are you sure you want an answer to that, boy?"
The door creaked open as the man glanced towards the door. Sophia had stepped in cautiously, not sure what had transpired.
"Sophia?" The man was surprised.
"Pierre...." Sophia's face softened. She walked up to him as Pierre gave her a hug and let go.
"It's been a long time....I was wondering what had happened to you..." Pierre had a big smile on her face.
"I'm sorry...the Doorway was sealed on my world. I haven't been able to use it since." Sophia shrugged in defeat.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Janeil was clearly surprised.
"You know him?" Pierre was surprised as well.
Sophia had an amused look on her face. "Yes. Pierre, this is my traveling companion Janeil. He's helping me look for Elizabeth."
"I see..." Pierre closed the door and invited them to sit at the table. He got two tall tin mugs and poured coffee into them with a dash of milk, and offered it to his new guests.
"Elizabeth was a fine woman was a shame that happened." Pierre seemed slightly hesitant to talk about the subject.
"Tamilia is my granddaughter and daughter to my younger sister. Four months ago, there was an accident at sea. Something...strange had happened. But Tamilia was the only survivor. When she was found and brought back here, she had suffered a bite from something. The wound healed, but as days progressed, she started to behave odd."
"She would be absent-minded, falter in her footsteps, even just sit motionless for no reason a t all without a single word. Nobody knew what was wrong with her. But Elizabeth...tried some medicines on her. Tamilia seemed to do better and seemed like she would recover. But then he came."
"Volus, our village priest, did not approve of this. He declared that she used forbidden arts and exiled her from the village. She left. Since then, he's been trying to get me to turn her over so that he could "cleanse her body of the poison that flows within."" He sighed in disgust.
"Tamila grows more distant every day. Her body has weakened, and she can barely walk on her own. When she sleeps at night, she continually has nightmares and. She wastes away every single day and there isn't a single thing I can do to save her..." Pierre was close to tears.
Sophia placed a hand on Pierre's beefy arm and rubbed it gently. Janeil glanced over at Tamilia, who had paid no attention to the entire conversation. Her eyes were fixiated on the ground, her body posture rigid and her hands folded on her lap.
"I came looking for Jennifer," Sophia explained. "I had no idea what had transpired. I'm sorry."
"It's all right. I think Elizabeth would have understood. Jennifer meant a lot to her." Pierre glanced around him. "Did you find what you wanted from the census office?"
"No...there's no record of her. I didn't make sense till you explained what Volus had done. I'm
not sure what I'd do now...."
"You can stay here for the night and figure out what you would like to do in the morning," Pierre suggested. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you like."
"Thanks, we'd appreciate that." Janeil nodded.
Pierre grunted in approval and motioned to the coffee. "You two look like you haven't had a bite to eat in forever...."
Janeil was the first one up. The inside of the hut was pitch black as a light from a lamp flickered into view.
He had been sleeping on the floor since there was nowhere else to sleep. Sophia had shared the bed with Tamilia and Pierre had stayed in his own bed. The arrangement was less than adequate, but Janeil had assured him that he had slept in worse conditions and it was all right.
He had awaken to the sounds of whimpering and crying, mixed with Sophia trying to get Tamilia's attention. Pierre had come out of bed and had a glass bottle in his hand filled with a dark liquid, a lamp in the other.
"Its trying to get me...I have to go...." Tamilia cried.
"Shush, child." Pierre gave her a swig of the bottle and stroked her head. "It'll be all right."
Janeil noticed that Pierre didn't seem to believe that it would be all right when he had stated so. The girl strugged in Sophia's grasp with a whimper and became limp, her eyes sliding shut.
"She'll be okay for's a sleep mediciine." Pierre explained. "I try not to use it too often because I don't know when I'll get another bottle."
Sophia nodded in understanding as everyone settled back into bed and went back to sleep. Janeil didn't however, staring at the sliver of moonlight from the planet shining through the window. He wondered about Tamilia; what was going on in her head? She seemed tramautized; and her apparent sickness didn't help any. He turned over on his side and faced the window, a finger touching the handle of his pistol underneath his provided pillow. Tomorrow woud arrive soon.
"Pierre, had you seen Sophia?" Neil asked.
"She left early this morning. She said not to wake you and that she would be back later on," Pierre handed Janeil another tin mug of coffee.
Janeil smiled at the action, memories of squadron commanders and starship captains getting served coffee on the bridge. He had never gotten the privilege to serve with fleet ops, and wished he was a fighter pilot. It would have been such a different story, and he probably would have been still with the UEA today...
The coffee was stronger, but the milk helped offset that. He stared at his gear and luggage in the corner, making sure that it wouldn't be bothered. Taking another sip, he stepped through the backdoor.
The boardwalk was suprisingly empty. Janeil figured that only the people that lived there used it if they had boats or the like.
Boats. He had to marvel how he came from starships and laser guns to simple people with fishing boats. And they seemed to do everything with manual labor as well. But Pierre seemed to be a decent fellow and had unending care for his granddaughter. As for Tamilia...
She was out on the boardwalk, sitting flat on it, her skirts spread around her. Her knees were brought up to her chest as he hugged them somewhat, her chin rested on top.
"Good morning," Janeil greeted her. He sat down next to her.
Tamilia didn't answer, a wary eye glancing at him.
Janeil was not sure what he could break the ice with. He was sure the conversation would be slightly difficult, but didn't have anything else to do. He was also curious about her to a certain degree.
"You're Janeil, aren't you?" Her voice seemed a little stronger than yesterday.
"You remember me?"
"I do." Was her simple reply.
"Thank you for helping me. Grandpa said I was lucky." She turned her head a little in his direction.
"You're welcome."
"They don't like me because of what the priest said. They think I'm a monster because of what happened to me."
Janeil shook his head. "I don't understand...why are people hating you for a monster injuring you?"
Tamilia turned her head away. "It did....something more to me. I feel that I'm changing every day. Something happened, and it can't be stopped. It's also what gave me nightmares."
Janeil exhaled. Something else was a factor. How did she know? She did say she felt it...but someone wouldn't get the notion unless something else happened, would it? It just didn't add up...
The door opened as Pierre walked out. "I'm headed to the south docks to check on a fishing boat that had come in this morning. I'll be back soon; don't leave the house." He did a double take. "Tamilia! What have I told you about sitting wherever you please just on your bum like that? The washerwoman threw a fit because of your dirty knickers!" His voice was scolding.
Tamilia's face turned red as she shrunk a little. "Grandpa please...not in front of him."
Pierre realized what he had said and laughed softly. "I guess it can't be helped....keep her out of trouble, will you?" With that, the two of them were alone once more.
Janeil tried to stifle a laugh himself. He had a pretty good idea what Pierre was talking about. But as he saw Tamilia's embarrassed face and the way she sat there, he probably could have understood why he left her alone and let her be.
"Promise me you won't go repeat that to anyone else," Tamilia's face was still red. She let out a frustrated groan. "I've already have two names now. I don't need more people calling me them."
"I think you heard those boys call me monster girl. They also call me...Miss Dirty Knickers."
"I see. I'm guessing someone ran their mouth?"
"Yes!" Tamilia turned towards him, slightly renewed conviction in her voice.. "That washerwoman had no business telling everyone about my clothes. I can't help it if I sit someplace that's not too clean and stain my-" She suddenly realized she was blurting out the entire story that she had begged her grandfather not to scold her about. Tamilia turned her head away, her face redder than ever.
Janeil let the subject drop and didn't say anything else. After the few moments that followed, Tamilia peeked back at Janeil, surprised at his sudden silence.
He finished his coffee and let the mug clank onto the boardwalk. The silence continued when he noticed a shadow looming over them.
"And what do we have here?" A voice asked. A thin tall man was standing in front of them, bony features on his narrow face. He had a large nose and dark hair that reached his shoulders. He wore a black robe that reached his knees with matching leggings and boots underneath. He had a staff with one hand made out of a long piece of straight wood, a strange beak on the top.
Tamilia let out a small gasp as the man looked over both of them. "I thank you for keeping her out of trouble, stranger. I cannot cure her of the thing that plagues her if street thugs cause her life to expire."
A flashback occured to the dinner table. This had to be Volus, could it? He certainly seemed creepy enough. He knew exactly about Temilia and what had transpired last night.
"Why are you so concerned about her?" Janeil asked, his voice slightly on edge. "And how did you know what happened yesterday?"
"My my, defensive, are we?" The man clucked his tongue. "What you did yesterday is the talk of the village. And as the village's residing priest, I must aid all of its inhabitants to the path that is required of them."
Janeil didn't answer. He wanted to tell him to buzz off, but didn't want to tick him off and cause trouble to Sophia. The man seemed to know what was going on in his head.
"Staying quiet I see; good answer. I'm sure we'll meet again. Remember Tamilia, clinging to your grandfather's side won't make you feel better. Imagine sleeping peacfully at night..."
Tamilia's eyes widened as her lips moved to speak. The man chuckled and left, continuing down the boardwalk. She looked after him, great conflict in her eyes.
"I....I..." She looked at Janeil, desperation in her eyes. Tamilia was clearly confused and wasn't even sure what to think.
"That was Volus, wasn't it?"
"" Tamilia's voice wavered.
"Wild guess. Let him go. You'll be all right."
"But...." Tamilia wanted to protest.
"You grandfather cares for you. That woman Elizabeth probably cared for you. And from what I heard, I don't trust him. Frankly, despite the short time we've met, I care too." He looked at her hard. "Sophia probably does too. I get chills looking at him..." Janeil looked at Volus' disappearing form.
"But I'm scared!" Tamilia blurted out. "Grandpa can't do anything and I feel myself slipping
away. Every day I know I'm changing. Something's happening to me." She grabbed Janeil's t-shirt in big handfuls pulled him towards him. "I don't want to die!"
"Tamilia," Janeil took hold of her wrists and pulled her away, gently placing them on her knees once more.
"Look, I can't guarantee anything. But I'm not going to leave you out there. I don't know what happened to you or what will happen to you, but we'll fix it."
Tamilia was utterly confused more than ever, but her gaze was fixed on Janeil's face as he spoke.
She was starting to sound like Pinnochio. "Because its what I did. And probably what I'll continue doing in one form or another..."
"Do you know where this office is?" Janeil couldn't make much of the writing. Most of it was strange to him, but surprisingly a few English signs were around. The thought of previous contact to some degree floated in his head momentarily. "And would it even be open now? I mean, its evening, isn't it?"
"Census offices are open around the clock. The information must be available at all times. And yes, I do know where it is."
They had just rounded a corner when they came upon a somewhat disturbing scene. Four teenage boys were in a small circle around a girl about the same age as them. One had the girl from behind pinning her arms to her side so she could not fight back. The rest of them seemed to be taunting and harrassing her.
"Can't do anything now, can you?" One boy said.
"Let go of me!" The girl yelped. She kicked and struggled against her captors, which invoked laughter from the rest of the group.
The boy landed a smack straight across her cheek, causing her to cry out and knocking her black hat to the ground. He glanced up and realized that Janei and Sophia were watching what they were doing.
"Let's get out of here," the other boys urged the first one.
The boy looked sharply at Sophia then back at the girl. "This isn't over, monster girl." She was let go as the boy shoved her backwards into a pile of grain sacks. She hit them with a loud "Oof!" and slumped to the ground as they broke up and quickly disappeared into an alleyway.
Janeil made his way over to the girl's side, taking her by the elbow and pulling her up to her feet. Her long raven-black hair was in disarray, her face red from the strike she had received earlier. She had a white blouse with short cuffed sleeves, a swishy and somewhat sweeping navy blue skirt that reached about mid-calf, and a white apron which was tied in a large bow on the back with suprising wide apron strings that trailed down almost as long as her skirt. She had dark brown boots that reached her calves.
" okay?" Janeil's voice was gentle but slightly demanding.
The girl tried to struggle out of his grasp, her footing unsteady and her eyes squeezed shut, waiting for the worst. Upon hearing his words, she stopped in her tracks, daring to look at her rescuer. Her deep green eyes roamed his facial features in uncertainty and fear.
"I'm...I'm...o..kay. Who...are you?" The girl stammered, pulling her hair out of her face and pulling it over her shoulders. She trembled in his grip, either out of fear or the pain that was previously inflicted to her.
"My name is Janeil." He was definitely sure that the girl couldn't walk on her own much less stand unattended. It was somewhat baffling; it was if she was weak. Sophia approached both of them, the girl's hat in her hands.
"Janeil.....Janeil...." The girl quietly mulled to herself, looking down at the ground. Her face showed a brief flash of sadness. "I'm Tamilia." She finally added in a low voice.
Sophia placed the hat on Tamilia's head. "Do you need help getting home? You don't look to well."
"I'll be fine." Tamilia pulled her elbow away from Janeil and staggered a few steps before collapsing to the ground. Both Janeil and Sophia caught her in their arms.
"I don't think you're fine," Janeil noted in half-seriousness. "Where do you live?"
"Down the street...near the markets by the wharf." Tamilia answered. She looked somewhat irked but incredulous that they were fussing over her well-being.
"Why not take her home? I'll go to the census office and catch up with you shortly." Sophia suggested.
"All right, don't get into trouble."
Sophia left them as Janeil slung the girl's arm over behind his neck and over her shoulder and started to walk in the direction specified. The girl's eyes continually swept the ground,
occasionally glancing at Janeil out of the corner of her eyes.
"Why were those boys hurting you?" Janeil asked.
He received no answer. Tamilia's face fell with shame as a sigh escaped her nostrils. "I don't want to talk about it..."
Janeil let the matter be, much to Tamilia's suprrise. He judged her to be sixteen or seventeen, maybe older. He was very curious as to what her story was, namely why she seemed ill.
It wasn't long before he reached the house that was described to him. It reminded him of the fisherman's huts he had seen in history books. It was set in a small flowered yard and the back was placed near a boardwalk that ran along the edge of the ocean.
Coming up to the door, Janeil knocked. The door was yanked open as a well-built and burly man opened the door. He wore black trousers and a gray sweater, his beard somewhat scruffy. He seemed to go into a fit upon seeing Tamilia's condition.
"What have you done to my granddaughter?!" Were his first words out of his mouth.
"Grandpa...please..." Tamilia begged weakly. "He didn't do this...."
The man's look relented slightly, but still glared at him as he pulled Tamila inside. Janeil followed at a distance.
The interior was slightly dingy but surprisingly warm and well-lit. The man sat Tamilia on the edge of a small bed and knelt down to her level.
"What have I told you about going out by yourself? How did this happen?"
"Andresen's boys were beating me." Tamilia admitted. "All I did was get some wheat like Letty wanted me to..."
"And him?" The man thumbed in my direction.
"He and his friend...the boys saw them and ran off. He brought me here."
"Where is his friend?"
"She went to the census office...said that she'll come here later."
The man sighed and placed his hands on Tamilia's shoulders.
"It's not safe for you to be wandering about by yourself. Not only because of your condition, but people are not kind towards your current state and what happened to you."
"I know..."
"You're lucky that you were found. It could have been worse." The man got up and turned around to Janeil.
"As for you...I have some doubts about you. But thank you for bringing Tamilia home. She would have been left there...." The man looked at Janeil straight in the eyes.
"What's wrong with her?" Janeil asked.
The man bit his lip. "Are you sure you want an answer to that, boy?"
The door creaked open as the man glanced towards the door. Sophia had stepped in cautiously, not sure what had transpired.
"Sophia?" The man was surprised.
"Pierre...." Sophia's face softened. She walked up to him as Pierre gave her a hug and let go.
"It's been a long time....I was wondering what had happened to you..." Pierre had a big smile on her face.
"I'm sorry...the Doorway was sealed on my world. I haven't been able to use it since." Sophia shrugged in defeat.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Janeil was clearly surprised.
"You know him?" Pierre was surprised as well.
Sophia had an amused look on her face. "Yes. Pierre, this is my traveling companion Janeil. He's helping me look for Elizabeth."
"I see..." Pierre closed the door and invited them to sit at the table. He got two tall tin mugs and poured coffee into them with a dash of milk, and offered it to his new guests.
"Elizabeth was a fine woman was a shame that happened." Pierre seemed slightly hesitant to talk about the subject.
"Tamilia is my granddaughter and daughter to my younger sister. Four months ago, there was an accident at sea. Something...strange had happened. But Tamilia was the only survivor. When she was found and brought back here, she had suffered a bite from something. The wound healed, but as days progressed, she started to behave odd."
"She would be absent-minded, falter in her footsteps, even just sit motionless for no reason a t all without a single word. Nobody knew what was wrong with her. But Elizabeth...tried some medicines on her. Tamilia seemed to do better and seemed like she would recover. But then he came."
"Volus, our village priest, did not approve of this. He declared that she used forbidden arts and exiled her from the village. She left. Since then, he's been trying to get me to turn her over so that he could "cleanse her body of the poison that flows within."" He sighed in disgust.
"Tamila grows more distant every day. Her body has weakened, and she can barely walk on her own. When she sleeps at night, she continually has nightmares and. She wastes away every single day and there isn't a single thing I can do to save her..." Pierre was close to tears.
Sophia placed a hand on Pierre's beefy arm and rubbed it gently. Janeil glanced over at Tamilia, who had paid no attention to the entire conversation. Her eyes were fixiated on the ground, her body posture rigid and her hands folded on her lap.
"I came looking for Jennifer," Sophia explained. "I had no idea what had transpired. I'm sorry."
"It's all right. I think Elizabeth would have understood. Jennifer meant a lot to her." Pierre glanced around him. "Did you find what you wanted from the census office?"
"No...there's no record of her. I didn't make sense till you explained what Volus had done. I'm
not sure what I'd do now...."
"You can stay here for the night and figure out what you would like to do in the morning," Pierre suggested. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you like."
"Thanks, we'd appreciate that." Janeil nodded.
Pierre grunted in approval and motioned to the coffee. "You two look like you haven't had a bite to eat in forever...."
Janeil was the first one up. The inside of the hut was pitch black as a light from a lamp flickered into view.
He had been sleeping on the floor since there was nowhere else to sleep. Sophia had shared the bed with Tamilia and Pierre had stayed in his own bed. The arrangement was less than adequate, but Janeil had assured him that he had slept in worse conditions and it was all right.
He had awaken to the sounds of whimpering and crying, mixed with Sophia trying to get Tamilia's attention. Pierre had come out of bed and had a glass bottle in his hand filled with a dark liquid, a lamp in the other.
"Its trying to get me...I have to go...." Tamilia cried.
"Shush, child." Pierre gave her a swig of the bottle and stroked her head. "It'll be all right."
Janeil noticed that Pierre didn't seem to believe that it would be all right when he had stated so. The girl strugged in Sophia's grasp with a whimper and became limp, her eyes sliding shut.
"She'll be okay for's a sleep mediciine." Pierre explained. "I try not to use it too often because I don't know when I'll get another bottle."
Sophia nodded in understanding as everyone settled back into bed and went back to sleep. Janeil didn't however, staring at the sliver of moonlight from the planet shining through the window. He wondered about Tamilia; what was going on in her head? She seemed tramautized; and her apparent sickness didn't help any. He turned over on his side and faced the window, a finger touching the handle of his pistol underneath his provided pillow. Tomorrow woud arrive soon.
"Pierre, had you seen Sophia?" Neil asked.
"She left early this morning. She said not to wake you and that she would be back later on," Pierre handed Janeil another tin mug of coffee.
Janeil smiled at the action, memories of squadron commanders and starship captains getting served coffee on the bridge. He had never gotten the privilege to serve with fleet ops, and wished he was a fighter pilot. It would have been such a different story, and he probably would have been still with the UEA today...
The coffee was stronger, but the milk helped offset that. He stared at his gear and luggage in the corner, making sure that it wouldn't be bothered. Taking another sip, he stepped through the backdoor.
The boardwalk was suprisingly empty. Janeil figured that only the people that lived there used it if they had boats or the like.
Boats. He had to marvel how he came from starships and laser guns to simple people with fishing boats. And they seemed to do everything with manual labor as well. But Pierre seemed to be a decent fellow and had unending care for his granddaughter. As for Tamilia...
She was out on the boardwalk, sitting flat on it, her skirts spread around her. Her knees were brought up to her chest as he hugged them somewhat, her chin rested on top.
"Good morning," Janeil greeted her. He sat down next to her.
Tamilia didn't answer, a wary eye glancing at him.
Janeil was not sure what he could break the ice with. He was sure the conversation would be slightly difficult, but didn't have anything else to do. He was also curious about her to a certain degree.
"You're Janeil, aren't you?" Her voice seemed a little stronger than yesterday.
"You remember me?"
"I do." Was her simple reply.
"Thank you for helping me. Grandpa said I was lucky." She turned her head a little in his direction.
"You're welcome."
"They don't like me because of what the priest said. They think I'm a monster because of what happened to me."
Janeil shook his head. "I don't understand...why are people hating you for a monster injuring you?"
Tamilia turned her head away. "It did....something more to me. I feel that I'm changing every day. Something happened, and it can't be stopped. It's also what gave me nightmares."
Janeil exhaled. Something else was a factor. How did she know? She did say she felt it...but someone wouldn't get the notion unless something else happened, would it? It just didn't add up...
The door opened as Pierre walked out. "I'm headed to the south docks to check on a fishing boat that had come in this morning. I'll be back soon; don't leave the house." He did a double take. "Tamilia! What have I told you about sitting wherever you please just on your bum like that? The washerwoman threw a fit because of your dirty knickers!" His voice was scolding.
Tamilia's face turned red as she shrunk a little. "Grandpa please...not in front of him."
Pierre realized what he had said and laughed softly. "I guess it can't be helped....keep her out of trouble, will you?" With that, the two of them were alone once more.
Janeil tried to stifle a laugh himself. He had a pretty good idea what Pierre was talking about. But as he saw Tamilia's embarrassed face and the way she sat there, he probably could have understood why he left her alone and let her be.
"Promise me you won't go repeat that to anyone else," Tamilia's face was still red. She let out a frustrated groan. "I've already have two names now. I don't need more people calling me them."
"I think you heard those boys call me monster girl. They also call me...Miss Dirty Knickers."
"I see. I'm guessing someone ran their mouth?"
"Yes!" Tamilia turned towards him, slightly renewed conviction in her voice.. "That washerwoman had no business telling everyone about my clothes. I can't help it if I sit someplace that's not too clean and stain my-" She suddenly realized she was blurting out the entire story that she had begged her grandfather not to scold her about. Tamilia turned her head away, her face redder than ever.
Janeil let the subject drop and didn't say anything else. After the few moments that followed, Tamilia peeked back at Janeil, surprised at his sudden silence.
He finished his coffee and let the mug clank onto the boardwalk. The silence continued when he noticed a shadow looming over them.
"And what do we have here?" A voice asked. A thin tall man was standing in front of them, bony features on his narrow face. He had a large nose and dark hair that reached his shoulders. He wore a black robe that reached his knees with matching leggings and boots underneath. He had a staff with one hand made out of a long piece of straight wood, a strange beak on the top.
Tamilia let out a small gasp as the man looked over both of them. "I thank you for keeping her out of trouble, stranger. I cannot cure her of the thing that plagues her if street thugs cause her life to expire."
A flashback occured to the dinner table. This had to be Volus, could it? He certainly seemed creepy enough. He knew exactly about Temilia and what had transpired last night.
"Why are you so concerned about her?" Janeil asked, his voice slightly on edge. "And how did you know what happened yesterday?"
"My my, defensive, are we?" The man clucked his tongue. "What you did yesterday is the talk of the village. And as the village's residing priest, I must aid all of its inhabitants to the path that is required of them."
Janeil didn't answer. He wanted to tell him to buzz off, but didn't want to tick him off and cause trouble to Sophia. The man seemed to know what was going on in his head.
"Staying quiet I see; good answer. I'm sure we'll meet again. Remember Tamilia, clinging to your grandfather's side won't make you feel better. Imagine sleeping peacfully at night..."
Tamilia's eyes widened as her lips moved to speak. The man chuckled and left, continuing down the boardwalk. She looked after him, great conflict in her eyes.
"I....I..." She looked at Janeil, desperation in her eyes. Tamilia was clearly confused and wasn't even sure what to think.
"That was Volus, wasn't it?"
"" Tamilia's voice wavered.
"Wild guess. Let him go. You'll be all right."
"But...." Tamilia wanted to protest.
"You grandfather cares for you. That woman Elizabeth probably cared for you. And from what I heard, I don't trust him. Frankly, despite the short time we've met, I care too." He looked at her hard. "Sophia probably does too. I get chills looking at him..." Janeil looked at Volus' disappearing form.
"But I'm scared!" Tamilia blurted out. "Grandpa can't do anything and I feel myself slipping
away. Every day I know I'm changing. Something's happening to me." She grabbed Janeil's t-shirt in big handfuls pulled him towards him. "I don't want to die!"
"Tamilia," Janeil took hold of her wrists and pulled her away, gently placing them on her knees once more.
"Look, I can't guarantee anything. But I'm not going to leave you out there. I don't know what happened to you or what will happen to you, but we'll fix it."
Tamilia was utterly confused more than ever, but her gaze was fixed on Janeil's face as he spoke.
She was starting to sound like Pinnochio. "Because its what I did. And probably what I'll continue doing in one form or another..."
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