“So that’s what it said?”
Tamilia had stopped shaking by now, merely sitting on the bed that the group had plopped her on in the medical bay. She looked at them without a word, her silence their answer.
“I guess that’s right…” Haley mused.
“Who’s this person that’s she talking about, Raju?” Yorina looked at him curiously.
Raju didn’t answer. He was silent as well, except he was staring at the floor in deep thought.
“I had no idea…” He said to himself before looking up to address everyone. “Get us off the ground guys, will you?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” Yorina repeated. “Do you know her? Is she someone that would get us in trouble?” There was more emphasis on her question.
“Yeah, I do know her. As for trust…maybe. Let’s just say she’s a ghost from the past.” Raju seemed to be in a daze as he left the room.
Everyone stared after him in confusion.
“What’s wrong with him?” Shinako wrinkled her brow. “I’ve never seen him act like that about someone.”
“But you’ve seen him act like that, right?” Yorina asked hopefully.
“Yeah…when he was confronted with his past.” Shinako’s face started to droop slightly, but out of worry. She regained her composure. “You heard him. Let’s get this thing going before he starts to wonder what’s going on.”
Raju could feel Dawnstar take off as he sat in his room, perched on the edge of his bed. He stared at the picture in his hand; was printed on paper, faded. But it had a young boy similar to him, and a woman with auburn hair with a magenta sweater and navy slacks.
“Why are you still following me…” Raju let the photo fall to the bed as he buried his face into his hands. “Do you honestly still care about me all this time? Or are you just a ghost…”
“Who’s a ghost?” A voice asked.
Raju looked up to see Amiria’s form in the doorway. He sighed and shook his head a little.
“The person you used to know?” She came closer and looked at the photo on the bed. “Is that her?”
There was still no answer from him. Finally he decided to speak.
“She hasn’t bothered to talk to me all these years; then she rigs a message for me to come here to find that girl then tells me that she’s on her way to meet me. What am I supposed to believe?” Raju looked at Amiria.
“Well…can you trust her? I think everyone wants to know that.”
“I don’t think its so much a matter of yes, but why. She did care for me a brief moment when I was little, but then left me. Then she pops up all these years later after timesI could have used and her help and company. Is it wrong to not know what to think anymore?"
Amiria climbed up on the bed next to him without a word before deciding to answer. “I don’t see how not knowing something makes it bad, unless you were supposed to know.” Her small hand touched his knee.
Raju let out a huff of amusement, a smile briefly on his face. “If it were that simple. You yourself just said everyone wanted to know that. What do I tell them?”
“What about just being honest? I don’t think they want you to lie.” Amiria suggested.
“I know that. I just…”
“Don’t want to look dumb?”
Raju was silent again. “Yeah, that.”
“I think…we all aren’t perfect. Even Navigator kids like me mess up things sometimes.” Amiria was persistent.
Raju didn’t answer, looking at the picture once more. “I think you’re…right.” He turned to her and gave her a brief hug. “Thanks.”
Amiria smiled, not answering, pleased that he was doing better. She slid off the bed and left the room, figuring that he needed to be by himself.
The doors whooshed open as Raju entered the lab, tugging at his shirt in an attempt to smooth it out. Yorina and Sophia were clustered around a computer monitor, Shinako perched on a counter behind them.
“What do you guys have?” He asked. It was clear he had come on short notice, dropping whatever he was doing to come see what was the matter.
“We were analyzing the card that Tamilia found,” Sophia explained.
“Look at this,” Yorina cut in, pointing at the monitor.
Raju made his way around the counter until he came to their side, staring at what was a scientific field report done by an expedition team.
“It was done by a Terran UEA team that came here during initial surveying of the system,” Yorina explained. “They landed on the surface and claimed that the crew suffered mass hallucenations and left, saying that it was initially caused by a toxin. They then shot a probe down there…”
“And I guess that’s where it becomes interesting?” Raju looked at Yorina.
“The probe showed a gigantic biomass beneath the planet’s surface. It’s has tons of underground tendrils like a fungus, but it seems to have several large nodes which was thought to serve as thought centers.”
“The creature appeared to have intelligence and could influence and tap into the brainwaves of a human being. This did not happen to the probe because it was a machine…” Sophia trailed off, her voice becoming a whisper as her eyes flicked left and right.
“So all that stuff in the woods….was made up, probably.” Shinako shuddered slightly. “And it probably read all our minds. Who knows what it might do to someone that might go there next….”
“That’s a scary thought…but I don’t think I want to go back down there. Period.” Raju was putting his foot down on that fact.
“Oh?” Sophia blinked. Coincidentally her surprised action occurred the same time Raju made his statement, but it was most likely due to something she had just come across.
“Additional probes were sent and a DNA sample of the creature was taken. The tissue sample is currently under scrutinzed research by xenobiologists. Hm.” Sophia pulled back from the monitor, satisfied with her fill of information.
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting that,” Yorina straightened, her original stance had been leaning on Sophia’s chair over her shoulder. “Not sure what that would mean…”
“Tamilia said that the “thing” told her that “the strangers knew about it better than she would.” She also said that a woman brought her there to heal her.” Shinako looked out the window at the planet. “Is it possible…that thing kept her in suspended animation or hibernation, while it picked and messed with her memories?”
“She did say that it tried to implant Raju and I so that she would recognize us as friendly.” Sophia turned away from the computer. “How it knew about us I don’t know, but it can definitely alter someone’s mind. I can see why that woman did bring her there.”
“But then that brings us to another fact.” Yorina leaned against the counter next to Sophia, facing Shinako and folding her arms. “Someone talked to that…thing. They reasoned with it. Maybe it isn’t some giant memory picker. Or maybe it is, but she did something to it to get it to listen to her.”
“What’s this…all supposed to mean?” Sophia’s brow crinkled in confusion, looking up at everyone.
“Why not ask that lady that’s supposed to meet us?” Shinako was somewhat forward with her question. Her eyes glared at Raju, demanding an answer.
“I’ll be sure to do that.” Raju met her gaze and returned it. “Believe me, I’m just as clueless and confused as you are.”
Shinako’s expression softened a bit, as if she didn’t expect that answer. “Well, that makes one more of us. I hope this isn’t some giant mind game with a lot of stuff from dark and twisted pasts…”
Tamilia was at odds with her surroundings. Everything was cold, bright, and noisy. Not to mention hard. Everyone seemed used to it, but she couldn’t go a single place without harsh light glaring down at her, cold air blowing on her, or some machinery making noise.
That wasn’t even starting with the ship size.
It was large. They claimed their living area was small, but she got lost easily several times. It hadn’t been fun. She finally had two routes down; from her room to the galley, then from there to the bridge. Tamilia dared not deviate from them.
This time she was headed to the bridge. Staring at her barely furnished room was depressing. All she could think about was the memories that were in her head. Which were real and which weren’t? She remembered a figure that seemed like her grandfather. It pained her that such a figure may not even be real, and that she was truly all alone. What had really happened to her that required such drastic treatment?
The doors opened as she stepped into the area, seeing everyone about their tasks. Raju was in his “command chair,” Haley was up front at the helm, Shinako at her console, and Novia in the corner with Bob looking at the engineering station. Yorina was in her chair staring at the large screen with a starmap displayed, fingers going across the keyboard.
She still despised using such big boisterous machines to go between worlds, and could not fathom or even being to understand how these people have learned so much and do what they do. And to boot, most of them were girls! Raju was the only man she had seen so far. The two machines that talked and followed them around were dubbed with a male gender, but they were just machines. How a machine could even talk and interact mystified but scared her at the same time.
Novia looked behind her, nodding at Tamilia in greeting. Tamilia returned the gesture and quickly turned away, uncomfortable looking at Novia. The girl was unnatural from what she heard; not only the white silvery hair, but the amber yellow pupils. It made her shudder as she walked down a short small ramp to where Raju’s chair was.
Raju was touching and reading a screen that was fastened to the armrest of his chair, and had not noticed her come up. She had to announce her presence with a soft cough before he turned to face her, an inquiring look on her face.
“I wanted to talk to you for a minute,” Tamilia started. “I’m not happy with my accomodations.”
“What aren’t you happy with?” Raju looked away, staring at the screen again as he flicked through diagrams and schematics, still listening to her.
“Your food is somewhat stale. The air is a bit cold, and I can’t sleep with all these machinery going on.” Her voice was a bit firm.
Yorina gave a scoff from where she sat. “Girl, you can just suck on vacuum if we turn something off. Everything that about runs on this ship is necessary for this ship’s survival. We’d only turn it off in an emergency.”
Raju looked at Tamilia. “I know it hasn’t been easy for you, but Yorina’s right, that’s something we can’t do anything about. As for the air, Sophia can probably get something that’s warm for you to wear. And we’re well aware of the food problem. We’ve not been in port in a couple weeks. Rest assured you’ll get something fresh when we dock somewhere.” He turned back to his work.
“When can I expect something to happen?”
Raju sighed, looking straight ahead before looking back at her. “You can go find Sophia right now if the cold is bothering you that bad. As for the food, you’ll have to wait until that lady that’s supposed to meet with us arrives. I don’t know how long that takes.”
Tamilia exhaled in frustration, not wanting to hear anymore. She whirled around and started off towards where Haley was sitting, her skirts swishing along with her. Raju turned back to his monitor.
Haley had a foot propped on the dash of the small cavity she was seated, two monitors fastened to each side before her. Due to the level of the cavity related to the floor level Tamilia towered over her a good two feet. A soda was in her hand as her eyes gazed at the space before her, waiting somewhat tensely.
“Can I help you with something?” Haley glanced up at Tamilia.
Tamilia looked down at her, realizing where she sat. “I’m growing restless to stay on this ship.” She gave a slightly sharp look at her.
Haley winced. Being cooped up with nothing to do was starting to get to her. How long had she been here? Three days?
“Well, have you tried reading or watching anything?” She suggested hopefully. After her little stint planetside, Tamilia had somewhat softened towards her but still kept a distance since Haley was always trying to keep her in line. Her suggestion was casual but direct.
“I can’t understand your written language and I feel extremely uncomfortable watching or reading something…on that.” Tamilia motioned towards the screens in front of Haley.
“Well, do you like drawing? Writing in your own language? Come on, there’s got to be something you can do. We have tons of stuff around here to keep us occupied.” Haley shrugged and reached for a soda can in a cupholder nearby.
Tamilia was quiet. She hadn’t even thought about asking for those things. Her silence her answer, she started to walk back towards the door when thing started to happen.
“Raju, I got a small civilian runabout on radar,” Shinako reported. “Yorina?”
“Charging emissive armor plating, shields are on standby. Raju?” Yorina glanced at him.
“It could be her. That’s the only ship that we’ve picked up since we left the planet. Bob, who’s on board?”
“Lemme see…well, just one person. That’s it, no ifs, ands or buts. Then again…”
“Bob…” Novia scolded.
“Sorry, sorry. Yeah, just one person.”
“Is that thing armed?” Raju leaned forward slightly.
“Looks like some simple ballistic weapons, but nothing that’d hurt the ship. The person could be a different story.” Shinako answered. “You want anything armed in case?”
“Have forward turrets standby, cold start only. Don’t extend them.” Raju flicked through his screen more. “Sophia, I think our company’s here.”
“I’m on my way,” her voice answered.
“I’m getting a hail from them,” Novia reported. “Patch it through?”
Raju nodded.
The large forward screen flickered as the small but nicely upholstered interior of the runabout appeared. A woman was seated in front of the screen, with auburn hair in a bun. She appeared to be in her late thirties, glasses perched on her nose, and dressed in a maroon pullover sweater, the collar of a white blouse showing beneath. The woman seemed to stare for a moment before speaking.
“Raju…I haven’t seen you in twelve years. I’m pleased to see that you’re doing well. How have you been?”
“It’s been up and down, Elizabeth.” Raju’s reply was flat. It was clear he didn’t know how to return Elizabeth’s casual greeting. He was trying every bit not to sound hostile, but he didn’t know how long that’d last.
“So I’ve heard. I’m…sorry to hear about your family. I’ve only heard about you recently, so that’s the only reason that you haven’t heard from me for so many years. Is it okay for me to dock so we can catch up?”
There was the hiss of a door as Raju swallowed. “You can dock, yes. My navigator will send you coordinates and specify where you can come aboard.”
Elizabeth smiled. “Thank you. I’ll be there in a moment.”
The link went dead as Raju sighed, leaning back in his chair. He looked to the side to see Sophia coming down to where he was, Amiria trailing behind.
“So that’s your enigmatic person from the past…” Sophia’s lightly blue blouse was complemented by her snug black vest. Her simple purple Victorian skirt was covered up front with a plain cream-colored apron, which served no real purpose, but part of Sophia’s taste of a working woman. Two internal hard drives where in her right hand, and a data pad in the other.
“Yeah…” Raju tried to quickly slap himself together and not look helpless. “Shinako?” He reached for the pad which Sophia gave to him.
“She’s increasing speed and heading towards the area Yorina designated.”
“Have Buster meet us as external access point C7. Arm him with a triple-barred auto shotgun and Mstorm CQB spraygun. Amiria, you got the chair.” Raju started to clamber out of the chair.
Amiria looked lost for a moment before settling herself into the chair, her feet not reaching the footrest. Sophia had left briefly, handing the hard drives to Haley before returning to Raju’s side.
Tamilia was at a loss in the sudden burst of activity. Sophia coming in, naturally doing everything that they all did despite coming from a similar upbringing like her just didn’t sit right. When she saw the lady on the screen, her insides turned as she recognized her from the planet. The creature had projected a pretty good imitation of her. But what did this woman have to do with her? What was her story? And what was he thinking with letting that child having control of the ship? Raju clearly did some odd things and had very strange companions indeed…
“Raju, do you need me to do anything else? Or you just want me to continue with what I was doing?” Sophia had wedged herself into his path.
“I don’t mind the company, come on.” Raju touched her elbow. “I think I can use the support…”
Sophia looked after him for a moment, a concerned look on her face as she started to follow. Shinako got up and picked up an elongated bundle then joined the procession, Novia taking her place as Bob completely took over the engineering console.
Tamilia still couldn’t make up her mind if she was going to stay or not, last minute deciding that she’d follow at a distance. She managed to slip after them just as the door closed. The three walked briskly forward, briefly talking to themselves.
“Yorina, what’s her ETA?” Raju pushed an earpiece into his ear.
“You have about four minutes. You there yet?”
“Eh, one thirds maybe.”
Tamilia hung back about ten feet, continuing to listen what they were saying.
After several corners and bends, then reached an end corridor which a circular door split in the middle was recessed into the wall. Raju stopped, staring at the door.
“Raju…I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but we can only help you so much if you don’t tell us what’s going on.” Shinako touched his shoulder.
“Yes, what’s wrong? Why have Buster come with all those weapons? Is that how you greet a childhood mentor?” Sophia asked.
“Honestly? I don't know what to think anymore. Part of my gut is screaming danger.” He hesitated. "The other part is questioning if I'm doing the right thing. Your guys' safety is my primary concern."
“Well, guess what? Your safety is OUR concern. You’re our leader.” Shinako’s eyes narrowed briefly. “But I know you’re trying to deal with this on your own…but we’ll help you.”
Raju nodded without a word. Shinako started to undo the bundle, letting the dark fabric fall to the ground, revealing a set of Japanese swords. She slung the longest across her back over her right shoulder, letting the smaller one rest across the small of her waist and the smallest tucked into her sash. Raju reached to his ankle and pulled a short snub autopistol from his ankle, handing it to Sophia, who tucked it into the back of the waist of her skirt, pulling her vest down back to conceal it.
There was a large drone as Buster came around the corner, his servos whirring with each step and his feet clanking against the metal floor. He stopped a few feet away from the door, looking at his caretakers and owners for directions.
“Just standby, Buster. Only nail her if we open fire.” Raju ordered.
“Command confirmed.” Buster droned in response.
“And we only open fire when?” Shinako asked.
“If she tries to do something to hurt us.”
There was a loud clang as the area shuddered, an orange light starting to flash over the door.
“She’s docked. Pressurizing airlock.” Yorina reported.
“Just act natural,” Sophia squeezed his shoulder before folding her hands in front of her. “Use your head and don’t panic. We’re right behind you.”
The light turned green as there was the hiss of air, the door opening.